Health Care

Our College Chairperson Dr.Mrs.Nandini Rangasamy had launched a program named “Fitness Krishnammal” during 2013 insisting Healthy Campus. Recently “Fit India Movement” program was launched during August 2019 by Our Honorable Prime Minster Shri Narendra Modi insisting the healthy nation as motto.

The vision of the Healthcare club is to make every student’s first choice for health care and health education. Health Care Club visions to lead the way in fulfilling the student’s commitment to fostering a well and vibrant learning community with overall health as their vision too.

he Healthcare Club achieves its mission by partnering with both academia and industry to sponsor educational and speaker programs on all aspects of the healthcare. Health Care Club provides whole person-centered care and services, illness prevention and health promotion, co-curricular learning opportunities and so on to make the campus healthy.  Through a host of networking events, speaker series, and social events we help foster a vibrant community of healthcare-minded peers.

Health Care Club of PSGR Krishnammal College for Women sets an example to articulate “Healthy Women begets Healthy Society”.  This club serves as an opportunity to increases knowledge and awareness in the prevention of illness and to maintain overall health by providing quality health education. Objective of the club is to optimize overall health and wellness, now and for the future among the students community.