Message from Principal
PSGRKC which had a humble beginning in the year 1963, has now emerged as one of the leading institution of higher education in the country. The college has shown tremendous growth since its autonomy in 2004 in terms of new programmes, state of the art infrastructure, placements, publications and in increased funded research projects. The active industry – institute interface over the years culminated in introducing an undergraduate programme designed with the support of industry. The college keeping pace with the advancement in technology has moved into effective learning management system with more e contents and e – resources. The Rural Women Technology Park and the Geriatric Care Centre stand as testimonies for reaching out to the community for their betterment and empowerment.
The skill development needs of the students have been addressed through the vocational and community college programmes established with the support of UGC. The challenge for the institution in the future is to sustain the progress it has achieved so far and move towards the status of college of excellence for women education in the country.